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Faith Statement







我們相信耶穌基督是神的兒子,為救世人的靈魂受死。受聖靈感孕,為童貞女馬利亞所生, 為神亦為人。祂為我們的罪釘在十字架上,受死,流血,埋葬,第三天從死裏復活,升天,坐在父神的 右邊,將來必從那裏降臨,審判活人死人。耶穌是惟一的救主。因耶穌基督所流的血,因神的恩典,我 們的罪得赦免。


我們相信洗禮是一客觀,象徵的禮儀,藉此確認一個人主觀,內裏的相信耶穌基督的經歷 〔馬可 16:16〕。藉著洗禮,信徒全然認同救主耶穌基督的受死,埋葬,與復活 〔羅 6:3-4; 加 3:27〕,因此外表 洗濯的行動代表內心罪得洗淨的實際 〔徒22:16〕。我們認為凡相信耶穌基督的都要受洗歸入基督,因 為這是主的命令〔太 28:19〕。


我們認為主餐是一客觀,象徵的禮儀,教會當定規 〔林前 ll:25〕,全體 〔林前 10:17〕 記念 〔路 22:l9〕,參予 〔林前 10:16〕,宣告 〔林前 11:26〕耶穌基督為了我們的罪 〔太 26:28〕 代替我們受死 〔林 前 11:24〕。藉著主餐,我們以外表的記念 徒 2:46〕,內心的感念 〔林前 10:16〕 思想耶穌基督賜下祂 的身體和血,為要我們得永生〔約 6:53-57〕。我們認為凡相信耶穌基督的人得以定規共享主餐,因為這 是主的命令 〔太 26:27; 路 22:19;林前 10:17;林前 11:24.26〕。




We believe that the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments in all their parts, is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and is the only solid foundation for all Christian faith and life.


We believe God to be our creator and ruler, infinitely perfect in nature, existing in three persons: God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God sacrificed for the salvation of human souls. He is true God and true Man, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified on the cross for our sins, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose bodily from the dead. He ascended in heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father, and he is coming again to judge the living and the dead.


We believe that Baptism is the objective, symbolic event whereby an individual testifies to and affirms the subjective, inner experience of coming to faith in Jesus Christ.


We believe that the Lord’s Supper is an objective symbolic event whereby the church body both regularly and collectively members, participates in, and proclaims the sacrificial and substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ on behalf of our sins.


We believe in the holy church, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.


諾曼湖華人基督徒團契旨在聯絡該地區的華人基督徒, 一起敬拜、團契,在主裡彼此鼓勵,奔走天路中相互 扶持,全然發揮各人特有的屬靈恩賜,“成全聖徒, 各盡其職,建立基督的身體”(《弗》4:12)。

Tel: 704-682-5500

838 Mazeppa Road

Mooresville, NC 28115

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